American Forces Travel FAQs
What is AmericanForcesTravel.com?
Is AFT owned by Priceline?
What happens if a country or area is listed 'off limits' after travel is booked? Will my booking be refunded?
Can I use this site to book official travel (airfare, hotel, rental car, etc.)?
Can I book companion travel on this site?
What happens to my future reservation if I quit or get out of the military?
Do I need to show my military ID?
Will I receive my loyalty points?
What do I do if I find a lower rate after I have made my purchase?
How do I contact Customer Care?
What is the military orders cancellation policy?
Can I book family members or friends?
Is the Disney salute hotel discount on AFT?
Are there special discounts or other offers for Wounded Warriors?
What happens to my hotel booking if my MAC (Military Airlift Command) flight cancels?
Can I use my Star Card to pay for my trip?
What do I do if I have a problem while traveling?
As a group travel coordinator, how can I book a reunion?
As an official group travel coordinator, how can I arrange group travel, such as a single sailor/airman/soldier trip?
Can I book a hotel room if I am under the age of 21?